Hello Spring Festival: How To DIY A Steamboat Feast At Home With Chef Ili Sulaiman

Posted by in ILIPOT In The PressFebruary 09, 2021 . .

Hello Spring Festival: How To DIY A Steamboat Feast At Home With Chef Ili Sulaiman

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The festive fun has officially started as we kicked off Hello Spring Festival 2021 four days ago! So far, we've wrapped up week 1 of our live shows - one of them featuring celebrity chef from the Asian Food Network, Chef Ili Sulaiman ?


During this live, Chef Ili shared all her tips and tricks on how you can DIY a delicious steamboat feast at home while demonstrating with her own halal steamboat sets from ILIPOT Steamboat & Grill Delivery. From your must-have ingredients to the way you can perfect your meat cooking skills, it was a fun segment that not only showed us how easy it is to have a steamboat at home but also the joy that comes with a family reunion dinner ?

For Malaysian friends, don't miss out on a HHWT exclusive promo code (you can find it in this video right here) plus a chance to win Mini Draw 1 for awesome gift cards and dining vouchers! You have 2 days left to participate in the lucky draw, so make sure to join today by visiting Hello Spring Festival and clicking on the red packet booths!



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